This weekend I went with my Shuff men on my first quail hunt.  I had no expectations, except to get at least one quail and have fun with my guys.
When quail is mentioned in the bible, it is evident that it is an example of how God provides.

That evening, flocks of quail came and filled the camp, and in the morning dew lay on the ground all around it. Exodus 16:13 ERV

Cole and I were the first to hunt.

In Exodus chapter 16 you’ll read where the Istrealites were in the wilderness, complaining about not having any food, and God said that He would rain down food from heaven each day.  Each day.  There were conditions, and the Israelites had to trust and obey.  

Tim and I had a turn together as well.

The guide we were with was a young man who has fowl hunted all over the nation.  He had well-trained dogs who knew exactly what to do.  I trusted in his ability to put us on quail, and obeyed each instruction he gave me for safety and hunting purposes.

Now the Lord sent a wind that brought quail from the sea and let them fall all around the camp. For miles in every direction there were quail flying about three feet above the ground.  Numbers 11:31 NLT

Since I had never hunted quail before, I was expecting to see quail flying in the air like skeet or ducks.  To my surprise they did as the Bible said and mainly flew only about three feet above the ground.

They asked for meat, and he sent them quail; he satisfied their hunger with manna—bread from heaven.  Psalm 105:40 NLT

The first time I shot, I missed.  No worries.  It was then game on.  The next time that the guide told us to “push push push”, I knew to steadily and with purpose move forward and be ready to shoot.  My gun wasn’t aiming too high this time, no sir, I dropped that quail to the ground.  The dogs retrieved the bird when their owner said “dead bird, dead bird”, and my husband snapped a photo of my first quail.  I was satisfied, and surprised, with my first kill.

My first quail.

The hunt continued.  We all took turns walking in the pasture, the briars (which I am not a fan of and I think I’m still finding thorns in my pants and legs), and even tromping through the swamp.  It was an adventure I will cherish with my men.
The next day, we returned home and Tim prepared the quail for dinner.  The quail were meaty and delicious. It wasn’t gamey tasting, yet tasted more like chicken.  Only, from what I read, quail is actually more nutritious than chicken.  It has four times more vitamin C, it has vitamin A, and rates significantly higher in minerals and amino acids than chicken.
So, when we read about quail in the Bible, it means God provides.  God did provide.  God provided a great time with family and friends, a memorable experience, and a delicious meal.
Do you need reassurance that God will provide for you?  He will.  He will daily.  Trust and obey Him.  Lean on Jesus and get into His word.  You may not always get what you want, but you will be provided with what you need.
Blessings to you and yours,
(Thanks, Mike and Shelley for a wonderful weekend.)

Cole was ready for action.

I love this pic of Hunter.

My man.

I ended up with three. Well, actually four, but it ended up looking like a beaten up piñata. Bless.

Our handsome sons.

God provides.

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