Each wedding was beautiful and memorable, but there was one moment at one wedding that was the most impactful to me.
Six. Six weddings since December. 
Whew!  This is wedding season, yet for the Shuff crew…WE ARE DONE!…until October.
This morning I sat outside with a cup of hot tea, felt the invigorating 66 degrees temperature upon my skin, listened to the diversity of birds calling one another, and reflected upon the weddings we were blessed to be invited to.  With each wedding we attend, I always reflect back on mine and Tim’s wedding and the vows we made to one another. Tim…he’s probably…most definitely…reflecting back on the honeymoon that came after the ceremony. Am I right?

Love each other with genuine affection, and take delight in honoring each other.  Romans 12:10 NLT

Each bride was calm and looked absolutely radiant!  Her face beamed and glowed with delight and sweet anticipation.  As much as I love to see each detail of the bride’s attire, the groom is where my eyes fixate when the doors open for his bride to graciously stroll down the aisle. Nowadays, many brides and grooms have a “first look” prior to the ceremony.  Yet, it never fails…the groom’s eyes fill with happy tears as he gazes upon his beautiful bride.  It’s as if she takes his breath away all over again.

Love is patient and kind. Love is not jealous, it does not brag, and it is not proud. Love is not rude, it is not selfish, and it cannot be made angry easily. Love does not remember wrongs done against it. Love is never happy when others do wrong, but it is always happy with the truth. Love never gives up on people. It never stops trusting, never loses hope, and never quits.  1 Corinthians 13:4-7 ERV

Looking back through the videos and photos taken, I smile as the personality of each bride and groom was observable.  The first dance songs and the song choices for the parent/child dances were perfect for each couple. The dessert tables…hmmm, allow me to take a moment to remember the deliciousness of them all…were representative to the likings of the bride and grooms, and even thoughtful to the guest who had food allergies.  The music was as lively as the crowd.  Some dance floors became a haven for bare feet, as many ladies left their uncomfortable heels under their tables.
Yet, still…it wasn’t the details, food, or music that was the most impactful for me.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding.  Seek his will in all you do, and he will show you which path to take. Proverbs 3:5-6

Each wedding was beautiful and memorable, but there was one moment at one wedding that was the most impactful to me. It took place at Ericka and Wyatt’s wedding in Tennessee.  Wyatt’s childhood pastor, Ridley Barron, was the officiator.  Pastor Barron performed one of the most personal, meaningful, and Christ-filled ceremonies I had ever attended.  I had never been to a wedding where the pastor practically gave an invitation.  An invitation for one to inquire and accept Christ as their Savior. The wedding, the festivities that led up to it, and the reception were perfect, yet it was what I had the privilege of hearing at the end of the evening that has lasted with me. 
The fireworks had cascaded the night’s sky and reflected onto the aqua pond that was beneath the limestone cliff walls and picturesque waterfall.  The newlyweds had run through the pathway of sparklers held by the attendees.  The evening had come to an end, but there was still one conversation left.  Tim and I were speaking with the bride’s parents.  I told them how impressed I was with the pastor’s presentation.  The father of the bride excitedly said, “Stephanie, you are going to love and appreciate this!”  He proceeded to tell me that a young man had just come up to him to let him know that because of what the pastor said and how much love and faith the families portrayed, he desires to work on his relationship with Christ.  My heart was so filled with love and joy for this young man.  I have no idea who he was or where he lives, but I pray that he does get plugged into a church or small group where he can grow in the relationship with Jesus Christ that he so desires.  The thought of how precious it would be for the newly married couple to know that because of their affectionate love, evident faith, and wedding day, that someone is a new (or rekindled) follower of Jesus.  THAT is impactful!
It makes me think…does your life, speech, and actions motivate someone to want to grow their relationship with Christ?  Do others see joy, unexplainable joy, in your life that is contagious? Does your walk make an impact on those around you?  Take a moment, like I have and do, to evaluate how others see Christ in you. If there are any changes that need to be made, why wait? Go for it.  Live an impactful life for Christ.
Blessings to you and yours,
Jake and Lacy (12/05/2020):  This wedding was the first of our season.  It had been delayed nine months due to the pandemic.  Since it was Tim’s birthday weekend as well, Tim and I turned this eventful evening into a nice long weekend on the east coast. A weekend on the beach was a nice way to getaway in December. Jake and Lacy’s dogs were the ring bearer and flower girl. Jake’s uncle performed the

Jake and Lacy

ceremony.  The venue was intimate with little getaway areas for folks to socialize. You can tell the bride used her Pinterest skills and personalized each detail fitting for the two of them. So personal and heartfelt.  Rewatching the video of when they were introduced as the new Mr. and Mrs. Hippler, made me giggle.   Jake and Lacy’s personalities shone.  The shyness of Lacy was sweet to Jake’s “bring it on” attitude.

While Tim and I were sitting in one of the tucked-away areas, I captured this sweet moment between the newlyweds.

Erica and Michael (12/18/2020):  Now, I know this wedding flowed

My daughter, Holly, helped me the night of the wedding.

beautifully, because I had the privilege of coordinating it. LOL.  Erica and Michael’s innocence was beaming with confidence as this young

Michael and Erica

couple said their vows with poise under the Joshua tree (the same name that her brother has). This sweet couple brought in a tradition from the college they attended… A cappella of hymns delightfully filled the air at the ceremony, as the sun was setting in the backdrop through the majestic oaks.  The a cappella sounds rang again at the reception before the bride and groom departed for their honeymoon. Even if you couldn’t carry a tune, the sound was gracious, joyful, and uplifting.  I’ve watched Erica from birth to bride evolve from an athletic tomboy to an enchanting lady. I couldn’t be more proud of Erica and her commanding yet unassuming presence.

I have to include this phot of the mother of the bride. She is my cousin/friend/college roommate.

Zack and Kim (02/06/2021):  With each wedding we attended, I

Kim and Zack

couldn’t help but think about how we have known the bride and/or groom since they were children.  For years, Kim and Zack grew up being family friends.  It wasn’t until after college that their friendship became much more than friends.  Their relationship that had been developing for years was transparent.  This wasn’t just two people getting married who loved each other, they truly like one another.  The Atlantic Ocean made for the perfect backdrop on the Champions Lawn at Hammock Beach Golf Resort.  Another east coast wedding, another extended stay.  I can get used to these mini-vacays.  The reverend who married Kim and Zack was the same who participated in mine and Tim’s wedding almost 30 years ago.  There were definite flashbacks to 1991. 

Wedding borrowed from @nikiveraphoto

Tommy (the pastor) always makes each couple feel uniquely special with his comical and personal stories. The wedding felt simply elegant.  From the bride’s pink converse tennis shoes, to the groom’s and groomen’s feathered bow ties, the details fit the couple perfectly.
Ericka and Wyatt (03/13/2021):  What a weekend!  Our whole

Ericka and Wyatt

family got to attend this event, and we made it another mini-vacay.  Nashville and Franklin, TN did not disappoint. The views at this wedding venue were amazing.  THIS, this was the wedding where the impactful moment occurred.  Again, the bride and groom were glowing with excitement, and the elegant details were perfectly chosen for the bride and groom.  Ericka was another bride whom I’d seen grow from athletic tomboy to a lovely lady. The bride’s delicate physique was towered by her handsome and masculine groom. Yet, as massive as Wyatt is, God’s creation was a glorious impressive backdrop for the ceremony.  Lighted, festive and colorful cowboy hats were worn by guests to make for an energetic dance floor.
Ellie and Jarrett (04/24/2021):  This was quite a pleasant surprise.  No, not the couple, but the venue.  I couldn’t tell you the last time we attended a wedding inside a church.  Although the ceremony didn’t occur in the sanctuary, the beautiful cross backdrop that sets behind our church’s baptistery was perfect.  Like Brother Tommy (yes, another wedding with the

Ellie and Jarrett

awesome Tommy Warnock) mentioned, this is the best way to start a marriage…at the foot of the cross. Ellie is another bride who is like one of my own.  She has a coolness about herself that makes everyone feel comfortable.  The wedding ceremony was no different.  The couple is beautiful and fun, and these traits were evident throughout the reception too. From the extricate lace on Ellie’s dress, to the personalized Tampa Bay Lightning liner in her father’s suit, personal and elegant touches made this wedding memorable. (Note: Ellie was a Lightning cheerleader.)
https://www.fbcpc.com/ and Oak Grove wedding and event venue
Travis and Alexa (05/15/2021):  The final wedding of our season.  Another wedding that was rescheduled due to covid.  I had to chuckle when I realized that the first and last weddings were the only

Alexa and Travis

rescheduled weddings, AND the two grooms are brothers.  Travis and Alexa have been together for over twelve years.  Their love started back when they were in high school.  Through high school, college, and career beginnings these two have been molding a beautiful life together. Trav and Alexa are two easygoing individuals.  The events of their wedding matched their dispositions wonderfully.  The rooftop wedding, the social hour with the bride and groom visiting with family and friends, and the reception were all carefree and stylish.  The dance floor was festive with lighted floral headdresses and multicolor LED foam sticks.

A beautifully creative photo of Trav and Alexa.

And that’s a wrap!

My man is excited that this wedding season is over.

    I’d say “I do” all over again with Tim. October will be 30 years!

Dancing with my eldest, Hunter. I believe he’s happy to not have to dress up anymore too.

Nashville was a family thang. My loves!

Our beautiful daughter, Holly, was in Ellie’s wedding.

I wish we would have gotten a photo with each couple.


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