I was reminded to trust my Captain while tarpon fishing.
When we are fishing for tarpon, one of my favorite places to sit on the boat is perched on the tower.  This allows me to have the best birds-eye-view for spotting the fish we are after, amongst other sea life.  On a clear and calm day, I’ll often see dolphin, turtles, sharks, and rays as well as a school of tarpon.  Such beauty!
On a recent tarpon trip, it was just me and my man.  The wind was blowing, causing the water to be choppy.  The sun was glistening on the waves, when it wasn’t hiding behind a cloud, making it a bit difficult to spot tarpon in the water.  Tim was the boat captain in the tower, and I was down below standing on the bow.  Because the visibility was grueling from where I was standing, I had to rely on my captain to tell me where to cast my rod.  
It was frustrating for me to not be able to see as well as I would like to, but relying on Tim to advise me where to throw was easy, because he could see the tarpon’s location and the direction they were moving.  I commented, “I have to trust my captain.”
It made me think about how I need to trust in The Captain/God in all situations in life.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.  Proverbs 3:5-6 NIV

I pray that you will rely on Christ.  He sees and knows the plan the Lord has for your life.  Trust The Captain.
Blessings to you and yours,
Here’s a little lookback at some tarpon trips I had written about in a previous journal entry:
The above photo was evidently not from our trip, yet on a different trip we took with our friend Chris. This visibility is ideal.

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