Train up a child in the way he should go, even when he grows older he will not abandon it. Proverbs 22:6 

Parenting is precious, a blessing, and rewarding. It is also sometimes exhausting, worrisome, and tough. 

From before our children were born, until the young adult ages they are now (28, 26, and 23), there is one continuous part of life that Tim and I both participate in daily…praying for our children. I’ve written about parenting, and The Ultimate Parent, a plethora of times. With each passing year, the learning side of being a parent is definitely a continual educational course. 

In order to get through those exhausting, worrisome, and tough times…PRAY. But don’t stop there. Besides praying for your children, get them in and involved in activities in church, read scripture to and with them, fill their ears and minds with Christian music and biblically sound teaching, and strive to be the best godly example for them.

Praying right along with you,


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