Rome 2005

Back in 2005, Tim and I had the opportunity to travel to Rome, Italy with our great friends, Dave and Theresa.  We were there when the new Pope was being inaugurated.  And now that he has recently retired, that trip has been on my mind often.
We had a personal tour guide, Salvatore, for the day.  Salvatore was very knowledgeable about the various sites we visited and ushered us right in in busy tourist places as if we were celebrities.  We had a fabulous day touring Rome and had a tasteful and quaint dinner that evening at the restaurant that our Salvatore had recommended.   Many treasured memories were made.  It is definitely a trip I’ll never forget.
Today when I read Psalm 32:8, I somewhat related our personal guide experience to the verse.  It says,

  • The Lord says, “I will teach you
    and guide you in the way you should live.
    I will watch over you and be your guide.

Having Salvatore as our guide was money well spent.  He taught us much about the place that he so dearly loves, and kept watch over us constantly to make sure we were satisfied in our experience.
Well, as great as he was, Salvatore ain’t got nothin’ on The One True Guide.
If you want someone to guide you through life, teach you the way to live, and watch lovingly over you, then boy do I have the guide for you.  And guess what?  His services won’t cost you one cent.  It’s FREE!  I would like to highly recommend my Lord and Savior to be your personal guide. 
His services are a guarantee.  You will be completely satisfied.  If He says that He will teach you and guide you in the way you should live, and that He’ll watch over you, then you better believe it.
He’s my guide.  Start making treasured memories with Him.
Blessings to you.

March 10

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