In my prayer time this morning, I was saying specific prayers for each of my children like I normally do. Today, as we start the New Year off, I prayed that they would not just love God, but fall completely in-love with Him.
While thinking about the difference between loving Jesus and being in-love with Him, I imagined the giddy stage of discovery and the passion of wanting more. You know…when you fall in-love with that other person you:
- Desire to spend time with them, a lot of time
- They make you smile at just the thought of them
- You can’t get enough conversation with them. Even when you don’t know what to say to each other, you just simply want to be near them and sit in silence.
- You are captivated by the stage of discovery and ask questions about each other
- You want to look your best and be your best
- You just can’t get enough of each other.
Are you with me?
It’s like you are starting a flaming fire.
Now, when this happens between you and that special someone that “in-love” stage can wear off as you grow to simply “love” them. When you love someone, you are more comfortable with them and want the best for them. You settle-in and love becomes a surreal and permanent thing. The flames may have settled into some beautifully, rich, and glowing coals.
But why does that “in-love” stage have to wear off? In my relationship with my man, I love him AND I am completely in-love with him. You must keep those coals burning. Are you still with me?
So, why not keep that in-love feeling burning with Jesus? He doesn’t want you to just settle-in in your relationship with Him. There is always more to discover about God the Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit!
Don’t just love God, be in-love with Him!
“When anyone is in Christ, it is a whole new world. The old things are gone; suddenly, everything is new!” 2 Corinthians 5:17
This is the verse-for-the-day that I read this morning after my prayer time about my children. There’s that word “in”. Are you “in” Christ? Start the New Year off “in” Christ and “in-love” with Him as well.
I pray many blessings and much joy for you!
With much love and prayer,