My sweet momma, daughter, and me.

My sweet momma, daughter, and me.

“But God knows me. He is testing me and will see that I am as pure as gold.  I have always lived the way God wants. I have never stopped following Him.” Job 23:10-11
When I read my scripture-for-the-day this morning a couple of thoughts entered into my mind:
One, I remember journaling about this verse before. So when I went to search for it, I noticed that I wrote about Job 23:10-11 exactly one year ago today. (Please click on this link: “What to do when Bad Things Happen”) Difficulties will occur in our lives. Suicide of a loved one, battling a fatal disease, loss of a job/home/spouse/child/etc., divorce, betrayal, and the list can continue of the “stuff” one may have to walk through. Ah, but “walk through” is the key. Just remember, you are NOT alone on this journey. God will see you through it; exactly like Job, Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego , and again, this list can continue with amazing events from the bible. Walk through your journey with God and there will be glory in the end.
The second thought I had was when I had the pleasure of speaking with the 2016 Florida Strawberry Festival Queen’s, Haley Riley’s, mawmaw on the telephone. I recently wrote about her grandmother in Faith and the Festival. In the article it briefly states this regarding who Haley’s Hero of Faith is:

Her Mawmaw, her dad’s mom, is Haley’s present time hero of faith. Mawmaw has lost two sons and a husband, and her faith is invincible. In a sense, much like Esther, she sacrificed family as well. Haley and her mawmaw talk often, and share bible verses with one another.

After my interview with Haley, I had permission to contact her grandmother. Our long distance conversation was intended to just inform Mawmaw of Haley’s kind words she confidently and passionately stated about her grandmother in our sit-down-chat. But after about a thirty minute exchange on the phone with Mawmaw, I felt like I had known Mawmaw forever. She is such an inspiration. Her story of the loss of her two-out-of-three sons, and the loss of her husband reminded me of Job. When she reminisced about the losses, she said this, “I never questioned God. I never asked Him why. I knew God had and has a purpose for the trials we go through in life.” Mawmaw never lost her faith in Jesus Christ, and had confidence in Him to see her through those sad times. She proceeded to confess of the emotional states she’s had over the years, but one thing always remained firm and that was her faith in God.
How did she make it through? She read her bible, leaned on God, and Mawmaw would quote scripture for strength and wisdom.
Quoting scripture is something that Haley and her Mawmaw do all the time together when they talk on the phone. Their conversations seem to be ones of encouragement and maybe even a little prophecy spoken over the years.
Mawmaw confesses that she is no prophet, but she said that when Haley was about five years old she looked at her and told her that God has big plans for her and that she was going to be Miss America one day. She stated that God was going to use Haley in a huge way. Well, Haley’s success in pageants and the desire to continue in this circuit has her on the path of becoming what Mawmaw said she would be years ago.
(Haley, your mawmaw is so proud of you.  She prays for you to stay strong and to share Jesus’ love with others.)
Our conversation was precious. I hung up the phone thinking about how important generational faith is, and how blessed I am to have been surrounded by godly grandmothers and a mom myself.
My great-grandmothers (Hunter and Hillard), grandma Parker, Granny West, my mom, my late mother-in-law are (were) all women of faith. I am so appreciative of the Christian values that these ladies instilled in me. I believe that this “love of and for God” continues through to my children. One day I will be able to share scripture and God’s love with my own grandchildren.

Mom, me, grandma Hunter, and granny West.

Mom, me, grandma Hunter, and granny West.

“I am reminded of your sincere faith, which first lived in your grandmother Lois and in your mother Eunice and, I am persuaded, now lives in you also.” 2 Timothy 1:5
“But the Lord has always loved his followers, and He will continue to love them forever and ever! He will be good to all their descendants” Psalm 103:17
I want to encourage you, women AND men, to be unashamed of the gospel with your family and others. Share scripture. Send a text with a bible verse to you children and grandchildren. Pray for your future generations. Be firm in your faith. Stand strong through those trials that you will go through and don’t be afraid to get real and share how God saw you through it all with your children and grandchildren.
Thank you, Mawmaw, for sharing your love for Jesus with me. You don’t only inspire Haley, but me as well.
I pray that you will enjoy soaking up The Son every moment of each day. –Stephanie
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