Every time I read the story of Joseph and Potiphar’s wife I am grateful for his strength to withstand temptation and his dedication to God through the various unfair situations he had in his life. Remember, Jo was hated by his brothers and sold as a slave, tempted daily to be wicked with Potiphar’s wife, was thrown in jail for something he didn’t do, and was forgotten by an official who could have gotten him out of prison. But, no matter what circumstance Jo was in, he always put God first and God blessed him. We may see the list and say, “Really? How can constantly being put in disadvantaged situations be blessings from God?” Well, Joseph was used by God and protected in godly ways through it all. We may not understand why we are in a predicament, and the choices of others may assist in us being put in a specific dilemma in some point in of lives, but if we take that opportunity to be used by God and to keep Him first in our choices, in the end we will see glory. Hold on, God is not finished with Joseph yet in my scripture reading, and He is definitely not finished with you and me either.  Honor God and be blessed.

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