Mike Storter. We love you!

  What a special night at church tonight! Mike Storter, our Minister to College & Career and Recreation, dear friend, warrior for God, hero in many of our eyes, loving husband, and father of two,… sat on a stool, with his large print bible nearby , and spoke...

"It's not me. It's you." (reversed)

If you were a “Seinfeld” comedy-show watcher, you probably clearly remember the scene when George Costanza was getting dumped by a girl with the old, “It’s not you.  It’s me routine.” When he realized that she was using “his” line for ending a...

Helping others is a blessing to yourself.

Grandpa and Granny West.I remember vividly one of the most precious gifts my granny ever gave me. By this time in her life, my grandpa had passed away and granny’s finances were not abundantly flowing, not that they were “abundantly flowing” in the first place.  I was...

"Don't be a stick-in-the-mud"

  I’ve heard the expression for years,”Don’t be a stick-in-the-mud”. A what?  A stick-in–the-mud. When I went to search the meaning of it, the best answer I saw was, “a person who is emotionless and unimaginative, content with his portion and...

Snuggle Time with Jesus

Have you ever met a little child who is being held by their parent, and when you approach them to say “hi” they bashfully lay their head upon their parent’s chest or snuggle their head under the parent’s chin? Most likely, yes.  The child finds security in resting...