I'm not standing alone.

Woohoo!  I am so grateful that I am a Christian!  Why?  Oh there are many reasons, but for now I’m appreciative that when life gets hard, and it does, I’ve got team captains that stand in the gap for me. When I read Romans 8:26-9:5 there were so many great points I...

Why do I do the things I do?

  Why do we do the things we do? Three illustrations ran through my mind when I read Romans 7:14-25: The title, “That’s a lot of do-do”.  (Cheesy? Yes, but it presented itself that way when reading the words. A form of the word “do” is mentioned about 23 times in...

Stop and Praise

Psalm 96:1-9 Easy-to-Read Version (ERV)  Sing a new song to the Lord! Let the whole world sing to the Lord! 2 Sing to the Lord and praise his name! Tell the good news every day about how he saves us! 3 Tell all the nations how wonderful he is! Tell people everywhere...

Gotta Have Faith

When I first started reading Romans 4:1-25, verse four reminded me of a poster I have in my classroom.  The poster says something like, “Grades are not given…you earn them.”  The verse says, “When people work, their wages are not a gift, but something they have...

It's all good.

Well, my time here on Maui has come to a close. Many memories were made.  New friends were met.  Family bonding was had.  Peace was/is felt.  I could easily call the family, work, and friends and say, “Aloha!  I’m moving. Come visit soon.” But that won’t happen. When...