Will heaven look like this?

My heart was pounding with so much joy! The scene was one filled with family, peace, newness, exploration, calmness, and love.

On my early morning walk, the beach wasn’t bombarded with beach goers, yet. There was a storm the night before, so the seashore was lined with an abundance of shells that had been washed up by the battering waves. The wind was coming from the east, so this made for calm waters. The water was clear and a vision of cascading blues and aquas colors were as far as the eye could see. Such peace.

Since there wasn’t a plethora of beach folks, those who were out and about, you could tell who was together. This one large, three generational family just made my heart smile. 

There was a Papa taking photos of his son or son-in-law walking along the shore beside his young child. You could tell that she had just learned to walk. Her determination to not have her daddy hold onto her hand was evident. She had this! One little girl, in her pink swimsuit, pigtails, and a bucket hat, was sitting in the sand as the waves gently washed up onto her precious body. Her momma was capturing the moment with her camera, as if she knew these moments are precious and will be gone in the blink of an eye. Another mother and two littles were building a sandcastle. The grandmother, her daughter or daughter-in-love, and two more children, under the age of four, were scanning the sand for shells and putting their selections in a bucket. All were relaxing, creating, and exploring.

In my ear, the song “Kingdom”, by Maverick City and Kirk Franklin, was playing. The lyrics played “If you ever wondered what heaven looks like, it’s looking like me and you.” I couldn’t help but feel that this scene was a slice of heaven. Family…God’s children…, peace, newness, exploration, calmness, and love…ahhh…visions of heaven…Paradise.

And He said to him, “I assure you: Today you will be with Me in paradise.” Luke 23:43 HCSB

Jesus said, “Don’t be troubled. Trust in God, and trust in me. There are many rooms in my Father’s house. I would not tell you this if it were not true. I am going there to prepare a place for you. After I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back. Then I will take you with me, so that you can be where I am. You know the way to the place where I am going.” John 14:1-4 ERV

Blessing to you and yours,
