If you have been with me these past eleven years on Soaking up The Son…WHAT?! 11 YEARS! To God be all the glory!!…then you know that prayer is a massive part of my life. It’s like breathing for me. There are days when I feel that each step I take is like a word that turns into a walkabout of chatting with my Jesus. 

Well, today I would like to encourage you to take a walkabout with Jesus and pray for others. But don’t just pray for them, let them know you are praying for them.

3 Timothy, I thank God for you—the God I serve with a clear conscience, just as my ancestors did. Night and day I constantly remember you in my prayers. 4 I long to see you again, for I remember your tears as we parted. And I will be filled with joy when we are together again. 2 Timothy 1:3-4

For example, how many times does a name from your past pop into your mind, and you wonder “Where in the world did that name come from? I haven’t heard from or thought about that person in years?” It happens to me often. When that occurs, I quickly stop my other random thoughts and say a prayer for that person. If I have a way of getting in touch with them, I’ll shoot them a text or message somehow and say “Hi, I thought of you today. When I think of someone, I say a prayer for them. So, I just wanted you to know that I prayed for you today.”. You never know the response you will receive. There have been times when the recipient simply replies, “Thank you”. They may ponder on why I thought of them, and to really…I have no clue…it’s all God. However, there have been numerous times when they have responded with specific elaboration on why the timing was perfect for them. God knows. His timing is perfect.

Speaking of prayer, here’s an idea for you: I am about to go grab the Christmas cards that I received this past holiday season. I’ll grab one or more, reflect on the relationship our family has with each card-giver, and say a prayer for them. This is a process I began back in 2014. (Click on this link: Christmas cards..Praying cards | Soaking up the Son ) The next step is my struggle…if you read the Point 1 journal entry to this series, you’ll understand why…I have a stack of postcards that I will TRY to send to the family to let them know I prayed for them. Now, if the card doesn’t get written this year, I’ll send a text. Sending the cards are my goal though. (Lord, help me. Amen)

I pray that you will have many walkabouts, or maybe we should call them chatabouts, with Jesus. He loves you chatting with Him. 

Ways to share encouragement with others, via 2 Timothy 1:1-12:

Stay tuned for point 3. Let’s continue being an encourager, a shine-for-Jesus-kind-of-person, for others.

Blessings to you and yours, 


Featured Photo: I’m praying for my sweet friend, Christine. Her daddy is having health issues.

Are you in need of prayer? Please contact me with your request. I will be praying for you!


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