But Jesus often withdrew to the wilderness for prayer. Luke 5:16

I’m just following Jesus’ lead.

A message came in my email inbox that reminded me that I’ve been quiet in journaling, and they were asking if I was okay. It humbled and honored me by proving to my inner thoughts that, “yes, a difference is being made in other’s lives through you”, and it also made me evaluate what’s going on in my life to make me silent. 

Sharing God’s love just thrills my soul. Knowing that my obedience to Him makes a difference brings tears to my eyes and motivates me to stay in His word and continue to share whatever He reveals to me. Thank you for keeping me accountable and justified.

It has been made known to me that when I’m quiet in my sharing, there are instances in my life (or others’ close to me) that those stories are not meant to be shared to all and they are ambiguous for a reason. Or that God is working on me, and often for a greater purpose unknown to me. Whatever the reason is, being still in Him and seeking His will is a priority.

With all that being said…I’m taking a hiatus from posting this week. The reason is known to me, and I’d appreciate your prayers. I’ll be speaking at a ladies tea this coming weekend, and God is whispering to me to unplug from the world around me and to plug into Him wholeheartedly. 

This post isn’t only for me, but an encouragement and reminder for you to slow down, take a pause from the immersion of the world that easily distracts you from time with God. Take time to pray. Be intentional with your communication with God and others. Breathe. Inhale God’s word and exhale His love to those around you.

Have a beautiful week. It’s time to withdraw and be alone with my Jesus.

Blessings to you and yours,


Me and my man…unplugging together is a great way to refresh your marriage. There’s your marriage advice for today. 🙂 This was when we were in Barcelona, visiting Monsterrat.