Does it seem that more Christmas decor was adorning homes and businesses before Thanksgiving this year? Normally, the day after Thanksgiving is when it begins to look a lot like Christmas in our home. But…this year…Team Christmas!
The day before Thanksgiving, I actually moved all my fall decor to the outdoor living space where we were to be gobbling turkey, smoked ham, and all the fixin’s, had Christmas music serenading me throughout the house, and began enhancing the rooms with garland and festive decor. Each time the fall decor was taken outside, I would hum to the music, smile, and be grateful for the weather, family, and friends who would be partaking in the festivities.
I guess you could say I was Psalm 60:39ing it on Wednesday, “Then I will praise God’s name with singing, and I will honor him with thanksgiving.” …Praising God for His Son and the celebration of His birth that we are about to honor, and being grateful by honoring Him with “Thanksgiving”. It was a dual holiday kind of day on Thanksgiving Eve.
What about you…when do you start decorating for Christmas?
No matter when, always remember that He is the reason for ALL seasons.
Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours, and enjoy preparing for the Christmas season.
Featured photo: All seven of us enjoying Thanksgiving night around the fire.

Cole, Emma, Sierra, Hunter, and Holly

My dad (George) and step-mom (Wanda)

Me and my man