We all have struggles. These struggles can and will be in varying degrees and various times in life. Grappling with what to do in idle time can be difficult. I had found myself scrolling through social media while waiting on a train, at a red light, during commercials, etc.. There wasn’t anything wrong with what I was observing or doing. Praise God that I either did use my time positively by catching up on the happenings of friends and family, or scanning wedding venues for one of my children, or watching funny videos. Yet, my eyes were down, looking at a screen, and not being observant of the occurrences surrounding me. To some, that may not seem like a struggle, but for me it wasn’t the best use of my time. Plus, there was more.

The battle between me and social media was conflicting thoughts on posting because of my platform. Do people really listen or read what I share about God? Who am I? God would always affirm me, the same that He always has in other scenarios in my life, “Just one.” Did I hear Him audibly speak these words? No. His reminders were through numerous people seeing me and telling me how much the words I share mean to them. People I would have no idea they even paid attention. God would remind me through a nudge in my heart, as a whisper from Him, saying, “Don’t worry about what YOU think others are doing, do it for Me.”  

While this battle was/is going on in my mind, I would read the bible and God would show me how I was acting like young Moses always questioning “why” or like Thomas often doubting. When what I need to be doing is keeping my eyes on Him. Get out of the idle time routine and look up, allowing God to show me life instances to apply to His word and learn more about Him. 

In the video below, I share some of the struggle and have a request from you.


God has awakened me to get out of myself and get busy sharing Him. Just one.

Now do you think I am trying to make people accept me? No, God is the one I am trying to please. Am I trying to please people? If I wanted to please people, I would not be a servant of Christ. Galatians 1:10

Dear Lord, You are my desire. This life is not about me and how others perceive me. It is all about You. Keep my focus on You, Jesus, and help me to share Your love with others. I’m just a tool in Your toolbox. Amen.

Blessings to you and yours,


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