Days 23-25 of 2020: God is faithful.

Days 23-25 of 2020: God is faithful.

I just reread my notes from the past three days on reading through the Bible.  Y’all, God is faithful!  I hope the these bullet points will encourage you to read God’s word, and to find hope in hopeless situations, to always turn your eyes to God for guidance, and to...

A Blessed Woman…my momma

This was originally posted in 2015, yet all these words still stand true: What happened in 1941?  Was it WW II, Joe Louis dominated for heavyweight boxing titles, Orson Welles directed and starred in “Citizen Kane”, Bob Hope performed his first USO show, Joe DiMaggio...
Days 20-22 of 2020: Discover the Key to Life

Days 20-22 of 2020: Discover the Key to Life

This photo above expresses how I feel about diving into God’s word…esctatic! We were at Captain Tony’s Bar in Key West.  There are three pics on the wall with different expressions that was taken of Tony.  I imitated each. Y’all, I am so encouraged by God’s...
Don’t be mistaken

Don’t be mistaken

Do you ever feel misunderstood? Especially in today’s social media world, we can easily be mistaken for having it all together, or being the life of the party, or always being happy, or having the most instyle clothes, or appearing we…whatever the photo online...
Motivational Monday: Don’t steal my OY

Motivational Monday: Don’t steal my OY

Dear brothers and sisters, when troubles of any kind come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy. For you know that when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow. James 1:2-3 Blessings to you and yours, Stephanie...
Days 12-19 of 2020:  YOU ARE VALUABLE

Days 12-19 of 2020: YOU ARE VALUABLE

Days 12-19 of 2020. So I tried something a little different…instead of overloading your email inbox or social media with my daily journaling as I read through the Bible in a year, I thought I’d read and journal on a week’s worth of material.  This format may be...