Do you ever feel misunderstood?
Especially in today’s social media world, we can easily be mistaken for having it all together, or being the life of the party, or always being happy, or having the most instyle clothes, or appearing we…whatever the photo online or in their minds may depict, others may get an inaccurate view of how one truly feels.
These misunderstandings may not only occur in via social media and being misconstrued by others who have no clue who we are, but by friends and family as well.  Why? Are we afraid to converse with someone because we can hide our true feelings behind a text message or email or other forms of communication? Are we hiding something from others because we are fearful of what they may think of us? Are we not communicating because we are attempting to spare their feelings from a situation? Maybe we think our problems are not as important to be shared with others because their situation seems much more pressing. Oh, there’s so many excuses/reasons why we either hold back or are misinterpreted by those around us.
Listen, we are mostly likely not being misunderstood by others, but deceiving ourselves as well.
Well, there is One who definitely isn’t fooled by us, even in our most secretive thoughts…God.
This morning’s bible verse comes from Galatians 6:7-8:
If you think you can fool God, you are only fooling yourselves. You will harvest what you plant. If you live to satisfy your sinful self, the harvest you will get from that will be eternal death. But if you live to please the Spirit, your harvest from the Spirit will be eternal life.
Galatians 6:7-8 ERV
I’d like to encourage you to not live for impressing others, but live to impress God.
When we live to gain the approval of our Heavenly Father, others will see Him and not us.  When we live for God, it won’t always be sunshine and flowers, but our intentions will be more genuine and His Son will shine through us.  When we live to not inspire others via our appearance and only allowing them to see what we choose to reveal, our transparency makes us more approachable…hence hopefully leading them in Christ’s direction.
Hey, I can testify that:

  • I do NOT have it altogether, but God does.
  • I am NOT always happy, but I am definitely filled with joy.
  • I do NOT have the perfect marriage, family, friends, life, whatever, but I sure hope to guide you to The Perfect One…Jesus Christ.
  • I do shelter some thoughts and feelings from others, right or wrong of me, but God is never unknowing of my thoughts and feelings.  He sees all and knows all. In Jeremiah 23:24 the Lord says, “Can anyone hide himself in secret places so that I cannot see him?” Says the LORD.  “Do I not fill heaven and earth?” Says the LORD. And our correct response should be “Duh, no. 
  • There’s no hiding from God.”

We may not have the “perfect”marriage, but I sure have the perfect man for me. God is smack dab in the center, and He makes us perfect for one another.

I pray that you will be filled with the joy of the Lord so that He will radiate through you and others will be impressed by Him in you. I pray that you will be a true spouse, parent, coworker, sibling, friend, etc. to others by loving them in and through their transparent (and even their non-transparent) self. Like Galatians 6:9 says, We must not get tired of doing good.  We will receive our harvest of eternal life at the right time.  We must not give up. 
Allow God’s Spirit to grow and work in you, so that others will desire to grow in Christ as well. 
Others may mistake you for something, but I pray that no one mistakes you for being anything other than a child of the Perfect One, the One True King, the Creator of all, your Heavenly Daddy…God.
Live for Him.
Blessings to you and yours,