Point 3, Be an Encourager: Live out genuine faith.

I remember your genuine faith, for you share the faith that first filled your grandmother Lois and your mother, Eunice. And I know that same faith continues strong in you. 2 Timothy 1:5

When I read this verse, I can’t help but reflect and be so grateful for the generations of godly women in my life. I’ll never forget hearing the story about my great Grandma Hunter walking me around our home when I was just nine days old. There was evidently an old wives’ tale that whoever walks a baby around the outside of the home when they are so many days old, they will grow up to be just like them. Well, I’m not a wives’ tale believing girl, but I sure hope I will be as spunky and godly as my Great Grandma.

My precious great grandma Hunter, standing by her church.

Another thing that comes to mind after reading this verse is funerals. I often think, “How will others remember me when I’m gone?” “What would someone say at my funeral?” 

Call me crazy, but I always walk away from a funeral more wise, hopeful, and reflective. Why is it that we always hear such great stories about the one who passed, and we often tell the family members and friends something admirable about their loved one…why wait? I want to encourage you to NOT wait…let others know how much you appreciate them…reminisce about days gone by and keep memories alive…say “I love you” to your friends and family. Go ahead and share an uplifting comment with the living.

One last point regarding verse five, have genuine faith. Be mindful of hypocrisy, being judgmental, gossiping, etc. Genuine means to be authentic, real, true, legit, honest-to-goodness. Y’all, I will straight up tell you that I am not perfect. I try to be very real and transparent with those around me. If you really want to get to know me, spend time with me. You will see a girl who honest-to-goodness loves her Lord, makes mistakes, and strives to live the way He desires me to live. Let’s vow to get in God’s word, read it, and live it. The bible is God’s life instruction book for us.

I pray that your faith will grow strong, and that you will live out genuine faith.

Blessings to you and yours,


Stay tune for point 4. 

Ways to share encouragement with others, via 2 Timothy 1:1-12:

Featured photo: I went to see my great nephews play soccer. So stinkin’ adorable! Wes scored two goals! I am so proud of the faith they already display, passed down from generations of genuine faith.

Generations of bibles. I love this!!

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