I was a bad example!

Okay, I’m going to confess.  My attitude was pathetic and my words were wrong. Last week my daughter, Holly, got invited to go to the Keith Urban and Little Big Town concert.  How exciting for her! I just had to find a way to hook up with our friends so she could go...

The Right Road

“Listen, my son, and be wise, and set your heart on the right path.”  Proverbs 23:19 When I read this verse it reminded me of a story I had written for Hunter. When he became a Christian, and was baptized as a symbol of following Christ, we had a “Spiritual Birthday...

God's Requirements

Okay, here I go.  I’m going to hopefully intertwine parts from all four scripture readings form today.  Stay with me on this. In Exodus I read about The Ten Commandments.  These are not suggestions for us to pick and choose from or to use when it is convenient for...

"Passionately" speaking…

You want a romance and passion in your marriage?  Read and live out the book of the bible, Song of Songs.  You just might find yourself blushing when reading that book. I hear women talking negative about their man.  Putting their spouse down, possibly without even...

Storms in life

We ventured out early afternoon from Cudjoe Key to eight miles offshore for a fishing trip. Yellow-tail snapper were caught, and a shark and dolphin (mahi-mahi) were seen. The aqua-colored water was so soothing as the boat rocked gently with each rise of the water. It...