“Listen, my son, and be wise, and set your heart on the right path.”  Proverbs 23:19
When I read this verse it reminded me of a story I had written for Hunter.
When he became a Christian, and was baptized as a symbol of following Christ, we had a “Spiritual Birthday Party”.  I had asked family and some ministers to come and enjoy a celebration lunch and to give Hunter a little memento to remember his special day.
The keepsake I had given Hunter was an 8×10 painting with the story and a prayer printed on top of it.  The story was about a time that he and I were back on my childhood homeland when Hunter was about four years old.  Here’s the story:

One day a mother and her precious little boy were walking down a quiet, country road.  They were enjoying the sun, birds, land, and time with each other.  The mother was reminiscing about the many fun-filled and loving memories she had on that same road when she was a little girl.  The little boy kept wandering off the gravel road into the dirt and tall grass.  It looked too inciting to play in.  The boy’s mother kept reminding him to stay on the road because he could get bit by an insect or hurt by broken glass.  Sure enough the little boy was tempted by the dirt one too many times and stepped into a large pile of ants.  He was bitten by the ants several times.  The precious child began crying and wanted his mother to take care of and comfort him.  As large tears were streaming down his face and he was being cradled in his mother’s arms, it was at that time that the mother was aware of this teachable and all too real moment.  Just as Christ is wanting and desiring for us to stay on the “right road” in life, we are often tempted by Satan’s attractive ways.  When we stray from God (the right road) we will get hurt.  God is always there for us and will guide us back towards Him.  God is our comforter and caregiver.


Thank you, Father, that Your arms are always here to cradle and comfort us.  Help us to stay on the right path by praying, reading, and practicing Your word.  Amen.

I will never forget the temptation that Hunter had to keep wandering off and playing in the dirt and unmowed grass.  When he was bitten he cried, “Momma, hold me, hold me.  Make it stop. Get these ants off. They hurt!”
We aren’t too different from that four-year-old little boy.  I know there have been many of times that I’ve fallen into temptation and I end up crying out to Jesus for help.  He never fails.  He was and is always there to hold and pick me back up.
Let’s agree to listen to God, be wise in our choices, and keep our hearts on the right road in life.
Blessings and God’s abundant love to y’all.

September 27