by ssadmin | May 9, 2012 | Daily Journaling
Sometimes God puts circumstances in our lives that we or others may not understand why, but it is for His purpose. Think back at different instances in your life and then discover what came out of it. If you allow God to use you, even (maybe especially)...
by ssadmin | May 6, 2012 | Daily Journaling
Storms of life. Boy do we have some. Some storms are more difficult than others. But when you are going through your specific storm, no matter how big or small, it is still a time of difficulty for you. Within the past two days I have heard of “storms” in people’s...
by ssadmin | May 2, 2012 | Daily Journaling
Do you think God pushes the “hold” button when you want to talk to Him? Throughout the bible people would say to God, “Hold our enemies back.” The Israelites did not “hold” onto God’s commands when I began reading this morning in the book of Judges. The leading...
by ssadmin | May 1, 2012 | Daily Journaling
My pastor, Dr. Michael Lewis, has been preaching a sermon series titled “Fan or Follower” based on the tags on Facebook and Twitter. He has demonstrated how a “fan” is more like someone who knows about God, cheers Him on, is a bit confused about eternal life, and...
by ssadmin | Apr 29, 2012 | Daily Journaling
“May each step you take lead you closer to God” (photographer: Holly Shuff) Thoughts from today: In Joshua 20-21 (and in previous days’ readings) I bet Joshua wishes he had a spreadsheet and a physical or topographic map for distributing all the Promised...