“May each step you take lead you closer to God” (photographer: Holly Shuff)

Thoughts from today:
In Joshua 20-21 (and in previous days’ readings) I bet Joshua wishes he had a spreadsheet and a physical or topographic map for distributing all the Promised Land to the Israelites. I need one just to follow it all while reading.
In Luke 18:24-43, we are reminded that:
·         “What is impossible with man is possible with God.”
·         When you give it all up for God, He will bless you more than you can imagine.
·         Jesus knew, He really knew, the torture He was about to go through in order for prophecy to be fulfilled, and yet He still went. He would be pit on, made fun of, beaten, and killed. But He also knew that in three days He would rise again and live! Praise God!  Sometimes we will go through our own suffering, “hell”, to reach the glory that is waiting for us. Glory, indeed!
·         Even when people are trying to silence you when you shout out to Jesus, be persistent, He will hear you.  And when you are made knew, healed, forgiven, a changed life (whatever you are crying out to Him for) others will notice and will believe too. Have faith and follow Christ.
In Psalm 51:14-19 it is refreshing to know that God’s not turning His back on me when I come to Him with an unassuming heart , “God, you will not turn away someone who comes with a humble heart and is willing to obey you.” When we sin, God doesn’t want us to buy our way to forgiveness, or any form of sacrifice. He desires our broken spirit and heart. Be real with God, don’t give Him fluff. He sees right through it all.
The bible is the book of good advice and lessons to be learned from. In Proverbs 12:13-14 we are told, “The gossip of bad people gets them in trouble; the conversation of good people keeps them out of it.” I don’t know about you, but I don’t like getting in to trouble.  I remember too many spankings, restrictions, or whatever the consequence was for doing wrong. There are consequences to everything we do. Make the right choice. Talk kindly to and about others if you have to talk to or about them at all. Gossip is ugly. Just plain ole ugly! Be beautiful by speaking beautifully. And don’t be lazy, but work hard.  “Wise words bring many benefits, and hard work brings rewards.”
I hope you learned or were reminded of a few things.  Now, go live a beautiful life with God.  Happy Sunday!

April 29