Think before you speak!

I saw a saying today that I have often used to share with others and also remind myself.  My former pastor, Dr. Ron Churchill, preached a sermon using this same saying probably about ten years or more.  I thought I’d pass it along to you: Before you speak….T.H.I.N.K....

Don’t wait until it’s too late.

Have you ever heard that there was a great sale going on on something you were intrigued by or a concert you have been wanting to see?  You thought about it for so long that when you went to go get it, it was either too late or sold out.  You missed it!  You were...

Born Day

“The Lord made me in the beginning, long before he did anything else.  I was formed a long time ago, before the world was made.   I was born before there was an ocean, before the springs began to flow.” The perfect set of verses for today!  When I was 18 years old I...

First Ever Streaker in the Bible???

Sometimes when I’m reading God’s word, I’m all into the story, and then all of a sudden there’s an imagery that is thrown in there that I was totally NOT expecting. That was the case when reading Mark 14:43-52.  The story about when Jesus was arrested is taking...

Telling God What You Want

I’ve often told God (yep, I told Him) what I wanted in a given situation.  But after I had voiced my desire to Him, I also informed God that even though that is what I want, I completely want His will to be done. Have you ever been real with God and informed Him what...