You will be tempted.

Here’s a quote for you to chew on… “Just because you can, doesn’t mean you ought to.” When I read Matthew 4:1-11 about when Satan tempted Jesus in the desert, I pondered on how to make this historical story applicable to my life. I said to myself, “Just because you...

Tempted. Prayed. Success.

  “Get up and pray so that you will not fall into temptation.”  Luke 22:46b This morning when I read Luke 22:39-46, God must have been preparing me to make sure I had a prayerful day and not to fall into temptation. Whew! After I read God’s word, I decided to let...
Cling to Him! Stand firm!

Cling to Him! Stand firm!

All throughout the bible we are warned not to fall into the trap of following the customs of those who don’t believe in the Lord, and not to worship their gods. It doesn’t turn out so well for you in the end if you succumb yourself to the ways of the world. It...
Greener Pasutres?

Greener Pasutres?

Ooops, they did it again. Are we so different from these crazed cows? Here’s why I ask:  Remember when I wrote about our silly cows getting out of the pasture, not once but twice in one morning? (Click here to read about that day and the lesson that was presented...

Temptation is Real

“Great blessings belong to those who are tempted and remain faithful! After they have proved their faith, God will give them the reward of eternal life. God promised this to all people who love him.” James 1:12 Being tempted is not a sin, giving in to it is. Last July...