Chaos to Calm…it will happen with Jesus

Chaos to Calm…it will happen with Jesus

What a better day to journal about the calming of a storm than today, as many of us are home weathering out Florida’s latest LATE hurricane, Nicole.  When preparing for the next lesson to share with the group of kindergarten through second graders, I searched what...
God’s Handiwork…The Blood Moon…YOU!

God’s Handiwork…The Blood Moon…YOU!

Each time I gaze at the stars in the sky, I can’t help but be in awe of God’s handiwork. The constellations are in place, the planets often appear to our naked eye, and the movement and construction of the clouds are like God teaching us various brush strokes of art....
What do your social media postings say about you?

What do your social media postings say about you?

What do your social media postings say about you? Recently, I stalked…I mean did research, on some ladies, by viewing their Facebook accounts. They were models in a fashion show that I got to emcee, so I wanted to get to know their personalities and say a little diddy...
Inward and Outward Appearance

Inward and Outward Appearance

For nineteen years, my home church has brought ladies together to hopefully instill a moment of being still, taking a breath before the holiday season begins, getting us in the mood to begin decorating, shopping, and preparing our hearts and minds for Christmas. The...
Jonah: Are we so different?

Jonah: Are we so different?

There’s so much more to Jonah than just the story we always hear about him being in the belly of a great fish for three days.  When you read all four chapters of Jonah, you may discover that you’re not too different from him. Why? Because although he had a closeness...