Sin all you want

“Be slow to listen, quick to speak and quick to become angry.” Is that what James 1:19 says? What about James 1:21, “Cuss like a sailor and sin all you want.”? No way of both accounts. God desires so much more for us. “His word is planted...

Marriage should be honored by all

“Marriage should be honored by all, and the marriage bed kept pure, for God will judge the adulterer and all the sexually immoral.” Hebrews 13:4   The past couple of weeks, I have been reminded how fragile married life is. I know two dear, godly women...

You better listen!

11/17/12: Remember the old slogan “When EF Hutton speaks, everyone listens”? Well, how about the slogan “When God speaks you better listen”? Nah, that’s not a real slogan you hear in the media, but one that you should be mindful of. Today...


Mirrors, windows, polished silver platters, water on a still lake, a waxed car, etc. are all examples of objects that will reflect your face when you gaze into them. I have a magnified mirror in my bathroom and sometimes it scares me when I see my reflection.  Viewing...

What does faith cause you to do?

Faith is often described as believing in something or someone without seeing or logical proof. When I read Hebrews 11:13-31 (known as the faith chapter), I was again encouraged by God’s Word.  I took each section and jotted down a little summary of what faith can...