Me and my man <3

“Marriage should be honored by all, and the marriage bed kept pure, for God will judge the adulterer and all the sexually immoral.” Hebrews 13:4


The past couple of weeks, I have been reminded how fragile married life is. I know two dear, godly women that discovered that their spouses have been unfaithful. Then with the massive media coverage on the affair of the now former CIA Director (and I’m not talking about a “business affair”), the reality of the fragility of marriage is evident.

I guess since I’ve personally experienced infidelity through my parents’ marriage, who marriage ended after 27 years of marriage, the commitment to my man and the priority of our marriage is a strong vow I strive to keep honored.

In my bible, The True Identity Bible for Women, they pose questions for conversations to help us relate the bible to our everyday lives. The questions posed for Hebrews 13:4 are:

*What does it mean to honor marriage – your own or others’?
*If that attitude were widespread, how would that help prevent affairs?
*Why is purity vital for a strong marriage?

Ask yourself those questions and vow to honor your marriage you have or will have one day, and the marriage of others.

Let’s stand strong for honoring our God and our spouses.
Let’s be godly examples to others how a marriage should be.
Keep God first in your relationship.
Pray with and for each other.
Go out on date-nights.
Tell each other “I love you” every day.
Glance at each other and remember why you fell in love in the first place.
Guard the sacredness of sexual intimacy between wife and husband.
I pray for all struggling couples (especially the one’s mentioned above). We serve a mighty God.

Blessings to all.