Remember the old slogan “When EF Hutton speaks, everyone listens”? Well, how about the slogan “When God speaks you better listen”? Nah, that’s not a real slogan you hear in the media, but one that you should be mindful of.
Today when I read Hebrew 12:25Be careful and don’t refuse to listen when God speaks.” I said, “Yes sir.”
“Be careful”, there’s a warning there.
“Don’t refuse” is a command.
“To listen” is an action we must do.
“When God speaks” is informing us who to listen to and when to do it.
The problem we sometimes have is….we don’t know if He is speaking to us or not.
Well, a sure-fire way to discern if God is speaking to you or not is to get into His word and spend time in prayer.
Can you hear Him? Can you hear Him now? Get in your bible and get on your knees in prayer. Why? Because when God speaks, you better listen!
Blessings to you.