Quit talking about yourself

Quit talking about yourself

Quit talking about yourself, and get others talking about themselves Early this morning, I was walking down the beach. When passing by someone, I would create a story in my mind about them. People of all ages. One older gentleman was gingerly walking with walking...
Live a life IN Christ

Live a life IN Christ

Just as their are dangerous sharks in the waters (above is  a 9’ tiger shark off the west coast of Florida), there are dangers in life that can entrap you. Beware. The theme for Romans still remains “Right in His sight’, yet we just may have a new theme today:...
It is good to be alive

It is good to be alive

Oh, how sweet the light of day, And how wonderful to live in the sunshine! Even if you live a long time, don’t take a single day for granted. Take delight in each light-filled hour,  Ecclesiastes 11:7-8a MSG Observing sunrises and sunsets never get old. God is the...
Romans 4:9-25…It’s because of faith

Romans 4:9-25…It’s because of faith

Father Abraham had many sons…do you remember singing this song in vacation bible school?? From what I can recollect, it wasn’t just a song, it was a workout. Raise each arm or leg at a time. Singing this song was an exercise routine. That is exactly how reading...
A Wardrobe Malfunction Lesson

A Wardrobe Malfunction Lesson

The wardrobe malfunction became an object lesson. I have hidden your word in my heart, that I might not sin against you. Psalm 119:11 NLT I guess you could say I was bursting at the seam to get to church. When I arrived at church, I bent over the console in my car to...