Just as their are dangerous sharks in the waters (above is  a 9’ tiger shark off the west coast of Florida), there are dangers in life that can entrap you. Beware.

The theme for Romans still remains “Right in His sight’, yet we just may have a new theme today:

Takeaways from today:

  • The first Adam (Adam, the first man) is our Adam due to physicality. The Second Adam (Jesus Christ) is our eternal Adam.
  • Grace. Forgiveness. Right with God. Praise!
  • New theme: God’s gracious and free gift of forgiveness and righteousness, all wrapped in Jesus.
  • Which Adam are you IN? Adam 1 or Adam 2?
  • Live IN Christ.

Blessings to you and yours,


(Featured photo: We had a beautiful day on the water with the family. Our daughter, Holly loves sharks. We came across this nine foot tiger shark on the sandbar. He looked stunning and graceful, yet he can be fierce.)