Soaking up the Son
God is alive and active. He uses every day experiences to reveal Himself to us. See what simple or crazy life lessons God reveals to me. Challenge yourself to see, speak with, and listen to God daily.
Join Me on My Journey
About Stephanie Shuff
I am a blessed girl! God uses everyday situations in my life to teach me about Him and His love. God’s Word is alive and active! A verse that I may have read last year, last week, or even yesterday, may have a new meaning to me depending on the season of life I’m in. This isn’t just true for me, but for you too. I thank you for reading and sharing this blog. I pray that God will speak to you through it all.
Become a Christian
In your personal opinion, what do you understand it takes for a person to go to heaven? It is as simple as spelling the word faith out on each finger.
Daily Walking with God
This past week I was watching the show American Idol. When some of those contestants would sing, I would think, “Poor thing. Who told them that they could sing?” But evidently they had a dream, and no one had tried to crush their dream of singing. Well, maybe...
Do you want to be popular?
You know, having a reputation can be a funny thing. I remember when my daughter was in elementary school being popular was on her mind. Already! Crazy, I know. I used to tell Holly, “Being popular is fine as long as it is for the right reason. Bring glory to God...
Are you a Sunday Christian?
Are you a “Sunday Christian”? What about a “Sunday and Wednesday Christian”? Does God want you to just do good godly things on church days? The story in Matthew 12:9-13 had me thinking. Here’s the story: Going on from that place, he (Jesus) went into their...
Religion or Relationship?
It’s not “religion”. It is a “relationship”. I often heard people ask “Are you a religious person?” Let’s see…Do I go to church? Do I eat three meals a day? Do I brush my teeth every morning and night? Do I pray before each meal? Do I put my seatbelt on in my...
Testing Time
Philippians 4:6-7, “Don’t worry about anything, but pray and ask God for everything you need, always giving thanks for what you have. 7 And because you belong to Christ Jesus, God’s peace will stand guard over all your thoughts and feelings. His peace can do this far...
Don't be sneaky.
Throughout the bible we read about the deceptiveness of people. In today’s scripture reading Laban was sneaky, Jacob was sneaky, a seductive woman was sneaky, and “man” was sneaky. Being sneaky is wrong. You may think that your sly ways won’t be discovered, but God...
Preparedness and Understanding
Have you ever walked outside thinking that the weather was going to be comfortably warm, so you dress appropriately and then set out for your day. Then, when you walk outside and burrrr…the weather is a bit cool. Later on, while you are walking in you cute...
Speak to me and through me.
Every day when I sit down to read God’s word I say “Lord, please open my eyes to Your word. Please speak to me and through me.” In Matthew 10:19 and 20 it says, “But when they arrest you, do not worry about what to say or how to say it. At that time you will be given...
The time has come.
Four years ago I was extremely blessed to had been a part of the pastor search committee at my church. We met almost every week for four months. The beginning and end of each meeting was bathed in sincere prayer from each of us, as our knees were on the floor, heads...
Respected or Popular?
Often as a Christian you will have to do things that may not make you popular with others. You may do what is right and good for the final outcome, but others may not appreciate what you do at that moment. A friend of mine’s dad would tell his three girls, “Do you...
I wanna know more! Every time I read the story of Abraham’s faith being tested in Genesis 22, I just want to know what in the world was going through both Abraham and his son’s, Isaac, mind. First of all, God talked to Abraham. Get that first. When you read, it was...
There's Something about a Swing
We used to have a tree swing in our front yard when all the kids were young. The grass was well worn underneath that swing. The children, and their friends, loved playing on it. Heck, so did I. There’s just something about a swing that makes you feel like your...