Throughout the bible we read about the deceptiveness of people.  In today’s scripture reading Laban was sneaky, Jacob was sneaky, a seductive woman was sneaky, and “man” was sneaky.
Being sneaky is wrong.  You may think that your sly ways won’t be discovered, but God knows.  Your devious ways may or may not be found out by man, but your sneakiness will catch up to you and you will pay.
Watch your ways.  Make godly choices.  Put a smile on God’s face.
Galatians 6:7-8, “If you think you can fool God, you are only fooling yourselves. You will harvest what you plant. 8 If you live to satisfy your sinful self, the harvest you will get from that will be eternal death. But if you live to please the Spirit, your harvest from the Spirit will be eternal life.”
Prayer:  “Lord, if I even think about doing what is not right in Your sight, convict me immediately.  Amen.”
Blessings to you.
January 16