
Run, run, run. Sometimes running seems to be all we are doing in life.  Just don’t run yourself ragged.  But…we do sometimes.  Don’t we?  Who do you run to? Why do you run? “They run to do something evil.” (verse 16)  Proverbs 1:8-19  In these verses in Proverbs, it...

The right way to start your day:

Snap*Crackle*Pop!  That was NOT my breakfast this morning.  It was my body.  Last week, I was looking forward to finishing my five-week Alpha, T-25 workout and recording my last devotional about working out the body and spirit.  When I woke up last Friday morning, my...

Observations while Being Still

“Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.” God sometimes makes us still so that we can breathe, reflect, and observe His majesty. The weekend was extended a day and a great day was being celebrated.  Good...

Two Thumbs Up!

Finally!  I’ve been waiting for about three weeks to see the movie with the whole family, and today was the day!  And what a perfect day it was on…Good Friday.  On the day that the Crucifixion of Jesus Christ is commemorated, my family went to the movie theater to see...

Who supports you?

    I am so grateful that I have a wonderful support system in many areas in my life. My co-workers are awesome!  We have lunch together, gather in the halls, and are always there to back each other up.  When times are tough, unexpected, or when there’s much...