This picture of Holly and Hunter when they were little cracks me up!  This was probably taken in 1998.  Do you look like this when you're angry?

This picture of Holly and Hunter when they were little cracks me up! This was probably taken in 1998. Do you look like this when you’re angry?

“Understand this, my dear brothers and sisters: You must all be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to get angry.” James 1:19
This verse has kept me out of more trouble, and it’s also spanked me a few times too.
Some of us are better listeners than others.  Many of us just want to listen and observe it all.  But knowing the right time to listen is important.
There have been times (more than I care to admit) when I’ve spoken a bit too fast, and I’m not talking about speed.  Ha!  I’m from the south, we’re not known for fasting talking anyhow.  I’m referring to those times when I should have stop to think before I speak or give “my” opinion.
Have you ever heard that “God gave us two ears and one mouth for a reason”?  Well, let’s practice James 1:19 and listen more before we open our mouth.
Slow to anger…yikes!  Becoming angry often happens in an instant as a response to a situation.  Take a breath. Get the facts.  Listen to all sides.  Pray.  Let God speak to you before you speak to others.  Others are often watching to see how you respond to a given circumstance.
Do you need so help in the area of controlling your tongue and anger?  I want to encourage you to seek advice from the best counselor I know…Jesus.
I pray many blessings and much joy for you! Have a wonderful day. – Stephanie
Here are just a few links for you to go to on those specific areas:
Power of Words
The Power of Words 2
Bible verses on anger
What Christians want to know about anger
What Christians want to know about cursing