pretty on the outsideYesterday at school, between first and second period, I heard a student screaming in fear out in the hall. Several of us teachers rushed towards him. A precious fellow student was trying to help him, but she was shaking profusely and was determined to assist her friend. I knelt down beside him to open his locker. It unlocked, but it wouldn’t open. Another teacher came with the master key. It unlocked again, but still it wouldn’t open. Why? Someone had walked passed this now terrified young man and bumped into him, which caused his locker to slam with his finger trapped on the top. Panic was all over his face and my mind was praying for his finger to stay attached. Finally, another teacher came to pry it open with a pair of scissors (leave it to the science teacher). Success! The free-from-his-locker boy quickly scooted away from his locker and was still crying and screaming with panic. He rested his head down on his backpack until ice came and he was then escorted to the clinic. I called his mother an hour later to check on him. We teachers, and students, were relieved that nothing was broken.
When he returned to school today he showed me his finger. What? Nothing! His finger looked completely normal (for now…they are hoping he doesn’t lose his nail…better a nail than the finger). I inquired how it felt and he replied that his finger is still in so much pain.
Awe, it was at that moment when I knew I had to piggy-back off of yesterday’s posting, People do crazy things…Just be NICE. After his classmates had to get the 411 on his finger, I shared with them… “This is a perfect example of how things/people may appear normal on the outside, but can be in so much pain on the inside.”
That’s it…again…JUST BE NICE.
Remember…Psalm 147:3, He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds.
I pray many blessings and much JOY for you! Have a wonderful day. – Stephanie