
I picture a young adult, not a child, putting their fingers in their ears and saying “lalalalalala”. They just don’t want to hear it. They are beaten, broken down, just plain ole tired of life’s situations that have been recently dealt to them. You may have a good...

Amazing Acts

No need to go to Vegas and see David Copperfield when you have the Real Thing in Genesis 3 and 4, and I’m not talking about Coca-Cola. And Moses was no Steve Irwin when he saw the staff turned into a snake, he ran from it. I can just see it all now.  There was Moses,...

Be a kid!

Do you sometimes look at young children and wish you had their innocent, freedom, carefree life?  Well, go ahead. Be a kid today. Sing it…”I don’t wanna grow up, I’m a G-O-D kid.”  His kingdom belongs to you. His hand is upon you. Feel free. Let go of you adult...

Prayer. Death.

Every Monday morning anyone who works at my school is invited to come to my classroom at 8:00 for T.I.P. (Teachers In Prayer). There have been seven gathered and there have been three that have joined together to start our week off as one in prayer. In Matthew...

Stuck Like Glue

PB&J. Biscuits and butter. Moon and the night sky. Fish and water. All these combos are good together. Do you have a relationship with someone that you what to hold on to and not let go? I do. Earthly and Heavenly. Paslm 16:8 says, “Day and night I’ll stick...