No need to go to Vegas and see David Copperfield when you have the Real Thing in Genesis 3 and 4, and I’m not talking about Coca-Cola. And Moses was no Steve Irwin when he saw the staff turned into a snake, he ran from it. I can just see it all now.  There was Moses, a man not sure of his capabilities, and God having a “show-and-tell” with him on the mountainside to prove to Moses that “he” may not know his abilities, but “He” does.  The Great I Am was amazing and all powerful then, and He still is today. Are we much different from Moses?  I know I am at times totally just like him in asking “Can I really do this?” “God, are you sure that you chose me for this?”…Jesus said in Matthew 19:26, “With man this is, but with God all things are possible.” Give it up to God. Nothing is impossible with Him. Have an awesome week and get ready to see God perform amazing acts daily.