Pssst, I've got a secret

Boy oh boy do I have something great to share with you!  I don’t know about you, but I have a tendency to eat my lipstick. Not literally. It just disappears from my lips rather quickly. When it’s gone, I’m looking pretty pale. Well, last weekend I purchased Outlast by...


Have you ever wanted to be in a club, fraternity/sorority, or any organization, but you had to follow some rules in order to be a member or to stay in the club?  Here are some guidelines in Psalm 15 that need to posted on every wall for everyday life:  Psalm 15: ...


God makes me laugh.  I love how He is the great storyteller, performs miracles, is so perfect in every way, yet people still “don’t get it”.  He asked the question, “Are you being willfully stupid?” Another translation says, “Are you still so dull?” Duhhhh.  I know...

Boasting? Discipline?

Great answer! Joseph answered, “Not I, but God. God will set Pharaoh’s mind at ease.” God has given you a gift. Whatever that gift/talent may be, know to know that it comes from Him and not from you. There may be times when we want to boast on the...

Strength to withstand temptation

Every time I read the story of Joseph and Potiphar’s wife I am grateful for his strength to withstand temptation and his dedication to God through the various unfair situations he had in his life. Remember, Jo was hated by his brothers and sold as a slave, tempted...