Boy oh boy do I have something great to share with you!  I don’t know about you, but I have a tendency to eat my lipstick. Not literally. It just disappears from my lips rather quickly. When it’s gone, I’m looking pretty pale. Well, last weekend I purchased Outlast by Covergirl (#536 to be exact) and I am impressed!  I put it on in the morning, eat and drink throughout the day, brush my teeth, talk (A lot. Hey, I’m a teacher, and a girl.), wash my face, etc. and this stuff is still on! The first time I used it I noticed that the next morning that I still had color on my lips. Are you kidding me? This stuff rocks!  I have wanted to write and tell you, but it wasn’t time. Today in my scripture reading Jesus told some men to “Don’t tell anyone what you’ve seen until…”  Can you imagine seeing the things those men saw and not being able to tell someone? I bet they were about to burst inside until they could share it with others. This was like the third time this year in my reading that Jesus told that to someone. Well, it is time. Lipstick last! Whew! I’m so glad I finally got that news out to you. That is not the only good news. Jesus is alive!! He loves you! He wants you on His team! Go! Go share THAT Good News! I mean Great News!