Each morning I turn on the computer and go straight to my scripture reading. Today I woke up thinking about the sunset from yesterday and wanted to post it as my profile. (It was a gorgeous day yesterday at the beach.   I noticed I had some notifications and decided to check them out. That could be dangerous because you know how addicting FB can be, and I need to start my day off with God, not man. Well, I did anyhow… checked the notifications and also started my day off with God. (He’s so cool like that.).  A sweet friend commented how she really needed the journaling I posted yesterday. I commented back that “It’s always great to know that God used me.”  Well, those words that God gave me were the very words that pertained to my journaling for today.  While reading in Genesis 31 it was evident how Laban used Jacob. It reminded me too how people use others daily.  Whether it is for good or bad, we have a tendency to use people.  When that happens it may not turn out for the best, but if we allow ourselves to be used for God, it is always for His best.  Go ahead and pray for God to use you today, and then allow yourself to be used by Him.