This morning I woke up tired, so I didn’t finish reading all my daily scriptures. (I kept falling asleep on God.)  Since my day started not focused on what was right, Satan kept trying to creep in my thoughts. Ugh! I hate it when that sneak makes me doubt myself in every area of life. Am I a good mother? Should I laugh more about things instead of making every moment a “teachable” moment? Will my house get cleaned today? And it was Sunday, for crying out loud!  I could go on and on with my imperfections, but I would totally bore you and you would probably charge me for a counseling fee. Haha. Anyhow, I got to children’s church and was so revitalized by seeing and hearing the children sing praises to God. I loved having sweet Gracie find comfort in my lap, and getting tight hugs from her. The pastor started a series on “Daring to be Daniel”. Love it! I love studying about Daniel. Christmas did get put away, and everyone helped out around the house. Again, the list goes on and on, but with wonderful things now.  I just finished reading my scriptures that I should have finished this morning, and ahhhh, God is good. I want to store up my treasures in heaven. I hunger to be filled with His light. I desire to serve one Master. When I started filling my day with God-centered things, that snake started slithering out of my thoughts and God crushed him. Take it from me, start, continue, and end your day with God. It will be so much better!