As I look towards the sky at sunset, I am always truly amazed at God’s artwork. The night sky on a clear dark night is mesmerizing as it sparkles and shines. As I’ve been sharing with some 6th graders in my friend’s geography class about my experience to Africa, I am so vividly reminded of the African sunsets as elephants are crossing over a river and the bright orange sky cascades so majestically around me.  And how one night we were on top of the lodge, gazing through a telescope, and (even without the technology of magnification) how I felt like I was in the middle of God’s astonishing and twinkling creation. The Milky Way so close that it appeared all I had to do was reach out and touch it. Can you believe that The God who created all that majesticness created you to be in charge of His creations? He thinks that you are His greatest creation.  You are worthy! He loves you! Love Him and give Him ALL the glory!