I remember when my cousin and I would walk along her dirt road and find ants. We would follow and observe those busy and strong creatures.  They are so captivating to watch.  Just the other day, I was doing the same thing.  In front of my house is a park. My youngest son and a few friends were playing football there, and I was sitting along the roadside, at the end of our brick walkway, munching on a small bag of chips.  A crumb would fall to the broken pavement and the busyness began.  I was fascinated while again observing the strength, organization, and sheer determination of how the ants would together to bring a crumb five times their size to their home. Seeing their little bodies move as fast as they did, I could almost see the excitement among them as if they were preparing for a great feast.  In Proverbs 6, we are told to watch and learn a thing or two from the ants. Not to be lazy.
You know what? A great feast is coming here. Jesus is coming back soon!  We need to be busying ourselves, with the sheer determination of those ants, to prepare ourselves and others for this grand occasion.
So get up! Get busy! Don’t be lazy about God’s work.

February 23