I remember during our first year of marriage, I had proudly purchased a eucalyptus wreath to hang in our family room. I had heard that the scent was supposedly good for your health. When I came home after work the following day, I discovered my proud purchase out on the porch. So… I had hung it above the front entry way. That location didn’t last long either. It was down on the ground again away from the door. Are you kidding me? Well, that smell was evidently NOT pleasing to Tim, and the wreath had to find another home.
Smells often bring about feelings in us that can be quite enjoyable, or like in Tim’s case dissatisfying. I sometimes wish I had smell-o-vision on my television when watching some of these food shows. Even one sniff of something reminds me of my granny or another loved one. Walking into a home that has had bread or cookies baking or a delicious roast in the oven, hmmmm, now that’s a smell I do find pleasing.  You get the point.
Well, evidently we aren’t the only ones who enjoy a good aroma. God does. In Leviticus we are reminded of how the aroma of a sacrifice is pleasing to God. What scent are you giving off to God? Do you think He’ll have a smile on his face when He sniffs at your actions, or will you find yourself on the floor of the porch like my wreath? Go put a smile of God’s face today. Happy Monday!

February 20