If you see me walking around with my finger and my thumb in the shape of an “L” on my forehead, and moving it to my heart, I’m not singing the All Star song from the movie Shrek.  I’m prompting myself to think about my scripture reading that reminded me of two little words, yet with meanings of great magnitude. The words are light and love. God is Light and He is Love. Allow Him to light your way in all you do. Love Him with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength, first above all else, and you will discover that this is the greatest command, like Jesus says.  If we do that, our priorities will be right. So go ahead and put your finger and your thumb in the shape of an “L” on your forehead, and move it to your heart. If people think you’re saying they are dumb, you can tell them the Truth. It will be the smartest thing you’ve done.