There are rules in life to be followed. If you do not follow them, then expect to pay the price. Your punishment may occur immediately, or it may occur later. But just know that it will occur.
Lord, I pray that as long as You have me here on this earth, my temporary home, that I am a light that will shine for You and will glow brighter each day as I grow closer to You. For I know that if I choose the path of destruction/wickedness/just plain ole wrong, I will stumble in darkness and feel lost. (Turning Proverbs 4:18-19 into a prayer.) Have a blessed Wednesday.
Proverbs 4:18-19
18 The way of the righteous
is like morning light
that gets brighter and
brighter till it is full day.
19 The path of the wicked
is like deep darkness;
they don’t know where they will stumble.