“Lord, if you would just get me out of this situation, I will never do _______ again.” How many times have we heard, seen, or done this ourselves before? This was definitely the scene in Exodus with Pharaoh in Egypt.  He would say he would “let go”, the “plague” would end, then he would go right back to his evil ways. A plague would continue to return until God’s way was the only choice. It doesn’t have to be a big sin (drinking, drugs, sexual immorality, etc.), it can be our little sins (Remember, in God’s eyes a sin is a sin, the extent doesn’t matter. If it is wrong in God’s eyes, it is wrong.).  What is it going to take to get you/me to stop displeasing God? You know our sins don’t just affect us. It intrudes others around us too. Let’s open our eyes and hearts to doing God’s will and pleasing Him. The end result is so much better.
Psalm 18:19, “He brought me out into a spacious place; He rescued me because He delighted in me.” This verse made me smile and feel comforted.  Have you ever felt like you were drowning in life or like you could barely breathe because of the stresses in life? Well, take hold of His hand.  God will pull you out and put you in an expansive place so you won’t feel suffocated anymore. Why does He do this? He delights in you! The show “Glee” doesn’t have anything on God. He created and is glee. Take joy in the Lord!