For the past couple of weeks, on my way to work, I pass this stunning tree full of yellow flowers. Every time I drive by it puts a smile on my face and I awe in God’s creation.  This week, while walking in my neighborhood, I looked up in the sky and what did I see, not one but two beautiful yellow trees looking at me. (Brown Bear, Brown Bear… lol)  All along while I was being blessed by one tree a distance from my home, God was just waiting on me to look closely and discover a double blessing practically in my own backyard. (Thanks, Jane Poppell).  This scenario reminded me of how often we go looking for satisfaction is other places, people, and things, when all along glory may be in our own home.  Take a good look at the blessings God has already given to you and appreciate what you have.  You will discover that you are doubly blessed.
Oh Wow!  The very next day, after writing the above, it was if God was showering me with Tabebuia Blessings.  On the same route that I drive every day, God showed me that there wasn’t only one blooming tree I passed by on a daily basis, but I discovered FOUR MORE! Whew! Rain down on me, Lord, and please continue to shower me with blessings.