My family loves to travel. Often, the flight or Shuff mobile leaves early the day of departure. That means we have to get up early in the morning (“Before Jesus wakes up” as Tommy Warnock would joke about) to be at the airport in plenty of time.  If we waited to pack (especially with kids (yikes!) until it was time to go, we might, ok, probably, be left behind. Are you kidding? We are packed ahead of time, everything in the vehicle, the kids might even sleep in the clothes they are wearing to travel in, and (you know me) the house is cleaned up. When traveling you must be prepared.  Well, some of us will be traveling to heaven one day and we don’t know when that day is coming, but we must be ready!  While reading Matthew 24:36-44 today, I was reminded of yet another good old song we used to sing in church and at camps. Now Toby Mac (yes, he will be at the Strawberry Festival this year!) has produced it also.  I started singing in my head “Two men walking up a hill, one disappears and one’s left standing still. I wish we’d all been ready…” Are you ready? I’m not talking about just clean living or a clean house.  I mean have you actually asked Jesus into your heart and have accepted Him as your Personal Savior?  That’s the only way to guarantee your entrance/readiness into heaven.  If you haven’t, please do so today.  I would love for you to be “swooped” up with me and chat with Jesus face to face. Don’t get left behind! (And I’m not talking about an education bill from the government.) Happy Thursday!