The parallel between the Old and New Testament are amazing.  I never had realized it until I started taking Beth Moore bible studies many years ago. (One of the “Aha” moments.) Now when I read something in the Old, I see how God was preparing them for something even more superior and real. For example, in Exodus it says, “Consecrate them so they’ll be soaked in holiness, so that anyone who so much as touches them will become holy.” He was then talking about the Tent Meeting and the articles in it.  This was an analogy for later, and as we now know, the comparison was to Jesus. That quote in scripture reminded me of when Jesus was walking along a path way and people would reach out to touch even just a piece of thread from his clothing to be healed. When He felt the woman touch His robe, the end result for her was healing and faith made stronger. I may be taking this wrong, but that is what came to my mind when I read in Exodus.  I pray that every time you/I read His Word we will become more like Jesus. Happy Monday.